Mar 24, 2022
What is black seed
Black seed comes from the plant Nigella Sativa. Technically a member of the buttercup family, Nigella Sativa has small, curved black seeds with a rough texture, that are cultivated for the abundance of health benefits that they provide.
Benefits and history of black seed
The Arabs refer to black seeds as the Seed of Baraka. Baraka means “endless bounty and blessings” and this wonder seed couldn’t be more aptly named!
The use of black seed as a medicine dates back to Ancient Egypt, and evidence of the seed was even found in King Tut’s tomb. Also known as ‘black cumin’, ‘black caraway’, and ‘black onion seeds’, this seed has been extensively cultivated, used and its benefits long touted.
In more recent times, black seed has been studied fairly extensively and the conclusion across the board is that there is little that this seed can’t do, when it comes to health and wellbeing! Among the most interesting discoveries is its effect on the scourge of the modern day: the superbug. Antibiotic resistant bacteria, like MRSA, are becoming more and more common. A recent study at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College compared black seed (oil) against standard antibiotic treatments like Amoxicillin and Tetracycline: “Out of 144 strains tested, most of which were resistant to a number of antibiotics, 97 were inhibited by the oil of black cumin.”*
There are over 600 studies that show the benefits of the active chemical compounds—crystalline nigellone, thymohydroquinone and thymoquinone—in black seed and black seed oil (the latter which is derived directly from the pressing of the whole seed), but here’s a quick rundown!
- Antihistaminic and anti-asthmatic effects — depending on the cause of the allergy / asthmatic reactions, black seed compounds have been found to be as or more effective than traditional treatment methods.
- Anti-cancer — the phytochemical compounds have been shown to induce cell death in cancers such as breast, leukemia, brain tumors, pancreatic, lung, colon, cervical and even oral cancer. Further, the black seed compound of thymoquinone, when combined with conventional chemotherapy, have proven to make the overall treatment more effective while decreasing the toxic side effects of the chemo.
- Digestive aid — black seed decrease gas and bloating and help to alleviate stomach pain related to poor digestion.
- Healing of liver related ailments — poor liver function, regardless of its origin (alcohol consumption, medication, disease) has been shown to be greatly improved!
- Diabetes — black seed improves glucose tolerance in type 2 diabetics as efficiently as standard treatments like metformin.
How to use black seed
With all these benefits, and no side effects, evidenced, black seed should be a part of most anyone’s health regime, both as a curative and preventative measure. Available as both a seed and an oil, it can be ingested directly, as I have done, put into cooking or used directly on the skin or hair to improve these as well!
A teaspoon a day will help to keep disease at bay!
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