Mar 24, 2022
Sanctuary literally means a place of refuge and it also means nature’s reserve. This is why I have renamed my kitchen into the wellness sanctuary.
It is usually the place where my family gathers to make food. It is also the place in our home that connects us to nature. Whether it is the herbs in pots, or dried spices in the spice wall, everything in our kitchen is connected to nature.
Think about it. The milk, eggs, meat, groceries, almost 80% of what is in our kitchen, was once growing in nature by the will of Allah. And He, subhannahu wa ta’ala, created these things for our use and consumption.
"Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “He it is Who created for you all that is on earth…” [al-Baqarah 2:29]"
Begin slowly. Choose from my grocery list (click here to download), one item from there that you currently do not buy. Add it to your weekly list. Even something as small as a herb. Try buying it. Then learn how to add it to different meals or beverages. For example: sage leaves. Most people have no idea what that is, let alone how and when to use it. Sage leaves are incredible and have outstanding nutritional benefits as well as being amazing to balance female hormones. So buy it. Start making herbal tea with it once a week. Slowly experiment and fall in love with Allah’s blessings.
Buy potted herbs. Teach your children to water them and pluck their leaves when you need them for cooking (mint is amazing as an indoor plant).
Homemade lemonade is far more nourishing and beneficial (even if made with sugar) than pasteurized, fortified store beverages. Again, these are simple things you can add and encourage your children to do, so that they can be inspired to love the creations of the wellness sanctuary.
It has taken time, but my 4 kids are slowly starting to enjoy their time in the kitchen.
"Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Take up good deeds only as much as you are able, for the best deeds are those done regularly even if they are few.”
Source: Sunan Ibn MaĢ„jah 4240
Make small changes in your life.
Add herbal teas. Bake your own bread. Revive a lost family cooking tradition. Bring your family into the kitchen to help you. If you want your family to follow in your footsteps, inspire them. Teach them. Show them. One day, you’ll look back and see how far you and your family have come.
Healthy living isn’t a place you achieve. It is a lifelong journey, much like obeying Allah and repenting from sin. You can never be sin free, nor can you live a completely healthy life. Coming as close as we can and struggling to remain firm is a great challenge, but well worth the effort.
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