And From the Seed, Grew a Sprout
My Journey from Refugee to Entrepreneur, Researcher to Health Coach

I was a Syrian refugee who migrated during a civil war and grew up determined to build a professional career after graduating from university.
Long before becoming a researcher and author, I thrived as a serial entrepreneur in marketing, real estate sales, branding, video production, and recruitment.
My journey into Prophetic medicine, Islamic medicine, and Herbalism began out of a personal need to solve my own health issues and never did I think that this would become my source of living.
The Sprout Established Roots
Each experience has been a stepping stone for where I am today.
1st C-Section
Food as Medicine
Qur’an as Healing
Food Allergies
Black Seed
Write Manuscript
Near Death
Leave a Legacy
4th Child Cavities
Gut Health
The Birth of Nurasunna
My Turning Point
Motherhood and Healing

The seed of deeper understanding sprouted when I became a mother. At the age of 24, after my first c-section, I realized how much power food has over our health and recovery.
This was my first real encounter with how our bodies respond to what we nourish them with, sparking my lifelong commitment to understanding the intricate relationship between diet, herbs, and well-being.
The Roots Carried the Tree
Expanding my Knowledge in Turkiye
My time living in Turkey was a crucial part of my learning journey. Turkish culture places immense value on the medicinal benefits of herbs, making it easy for me to access and learn about them. I spent much time exploring the herb markets (pazars) and discovering how no part of a plant is wasted.
From olive leaves to cherry stems and corn silk, I found new uses for herbs as medicine. I also immersed myself in traditional Turkish cuisine, where traditional cooking techniques and herbs are seamlessly integrated for both flavor and healing.
On the Tree, Flowers Blossomed
The Birth of Nurasunna
Seeing the transformation in my own family’s health through the principles of Prophetic and Islamic medicine has driven me to share this knowledge worldwide. The most rewarding aspect of my work is witnessing the transformation in others. Hearing the healing stories from people who have suffered for years and finally find relief by applying the principles of Prophetic medicine and Islamic medicine is the greatest testament to the knowledge I’ve shared.
Learn More About My Programs10 Things You Didn’t Know About Me